Q2 2020 Review
Our firm is composed of a few principals, a few young and ambitious staff, a handful of partners and our capital partners we have done business with for over 30 years; not rag tag but lots of opinions as to what happened so far this year, what is going to happen next and what are we gonna do about it. How do we grow our business while informing, advising and helping the legal, lawful cannabis business. We agreed that a clear pedantic free review of dealflow is a great way of seeing where things were, are and will be going.
The 2 Most Important Factors You Need To Consider When Investing in Cannabis
Investing in the Cannabis industry is invigorating and is testing all classes of investment capital. Individual non-accredited investors, High Net Worths, Family Offices and Foreign and Institutional money all are operating in significant uncertainty and chaos. A maelstrom.
How Cannabis Became COVID's Chief Mitigator
As COVID-19 relentlessly sweeps across the globe, business-as-usual has undergone a serious makeover. From going to the grocery store or clocking in at work, your life is undeniably different from the one you led three months ago…
Using Real Estate As A Collateral for Cannabis Loan
Last week we tallied the number of combined years we have in the real estate industry and the number comes to a whopping 110 years, divided between 5 Goldstalk members. Where we are most expert and where we feel confident is the structure of the deal and the creative arranging of the investment for ourselves…
What are the Most Profitable Sectors of the Cannabis Industry?
We often get asked about which sector of the cannabis industry is and will be the most profitable. So much so that we decided to write this op-ed piece about how to apply a model used in the technology industry…
The Growing International Marketplace
As cannabis legalization spreads across North American, industry insiders and pot stock investors look to diversify their portfolios in the global marijuana trade. With Canada on track to become the first G7 nation…
Cannabis Investment and Advisory Firm Announces Its Formation in Los Angeles
Goldstalk is a newly formed organization that looks to provide capital investment as well as strategic planning services to top notch cannabis companies in the South West region. The team has experience in raising capital for real estate debt, equity investments…